🔥 How & where to share your GOTV message with your friends & family
Don't forget to update your profile photo!
Share your GOTV message with friends & family
Tell the communities you’re a part of — why & for whom you’re voting
The people of your online community trust you and look to you for cues. Let them know where you stand. Showing your support for Democrats opens the door for them to do the same — both publicly and privately.
Change your profile picture / avatar on all social media. You can use our profile frame app for this. NEW! Check out our new profile photo tool to add a frame to your profile photo.
Add a little sentence in your bio about a policy you care about that advantages Democrats. E.g. “I’m voting and I care about healthcare.”
Let your closest circle understand — why & for whom you’re voting
💡 This kind of action may feel vulnerable, and it should. Vulnerable, authentic, direct communication is often the most effective and relatable to other people.
Make a personal statement to share with your friends and family, in a heartfelt and wholesome way, why and how you’re voting.
This could be a 1-3 minute video speaking from the heart, for TikTok
It could be text: a few paragraphs as you would write an email to a friend. We recommend sharing this with a personal photo of yourself (your friends like your face!)
It’s probably not: a single meme or sentence—which is likely to turn people off and also reassure people who already agree with you
Open a conversation: To be most effective, your post or video might want to tell your audience that if they’re unsure about how to vote, you’d love to get on the phone and talk more. In that call, respectfully listen to them and share information you find compelling.
Share where you’re comfortable: Your new personal original content can be shared now or later with all the close people in your life. You can:
Direct message to loved ones whose politics you’re unsure of
Post on your personal profile(s) — Facebook, Instagram, TikTok— where you feel comfortable
Share it in [small] friend and family group chats you’re on
For more on how to design messages like this, check out our playbook.
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